

  • Monthly
  • Daily
  • Guest (per day)
  • Rs. 200/-
  • Rs. 10/-
  • Rs. 50/-
  • Rs. 300/-
  • Rs. 20/-
  • Rs. 50/-


  • 6:00 AM
  • 4:00 AM
  • 9:00 PM
  • 9:00 PM


  • Two new balls will be given as and when required.
  • Primarily the court is for use of “DOUBLES” only. However, the court could be used for “SINGLES” provided it is not in use for “DOUBLES”. Singles has to be stopped when a Foursome is made for Doubles
  • Once four players assemble on a court for a game of Doubles they can continue playing provided no fresh player is waiting. However should a fresh player arrive while the four players are warming up, before the game commences, the four players can continue to play till the set is over
  • A player after finishing a set cannot continue to play another set if any player is waiting irrespective of the number of sets the latter has played
  • Players should use only Shoes meant for Tennis , to avoid damage to the surface of the court.
  • Dress Regulations and other Rules as prescribed by the All India Tennis Association should be strictly adhered to
  • The subscription charges, guest fees and charges for Flood lit Court will be as laid down from time to time